For today's post I'm going to share with you a little piece of heaven located right here in Los Angeles, California. And I'll do it in two languages, WOWZERS!
I'm bilingual and my second language is Spanish.....Surprise!. While I speak Spanish really well, writing it is a whole different can of worms. I'll try my very best and hope not to offend anyone (blushing).
Hola! Bienvenidos a mi blog!
Hoy les contare de un pedacito del cielo aqui en Los Angeles, California. Y hoy escribire en dos idiomas, que barbara! Soy bilingue y mi segundo idioma es Espanol. El Espanol lo hablo sin problemas pero para escribirlo? nel pastel, ahi cambia totalmente el panorama. Pero lo hare lo mas vien que pueda y perdon por lo mal escrito, espero no ofender.
If you have been reading my posts, you know that I'm a lover of classical music. Music from genius composers like; Brahms, Chopin, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Wagner, Haydn, Tchaikovsky, to name a few, just fills my spirit with magic. It takes me to the highest cloud and wraps me in an endless wondrous trance giving me enormous pleasure.
Si han estado leyendo mis publicaciones, usted sabra que amo la musica clasica. Musica de compositores genios como; Brahms, Chopin, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Wagner, Haydn, Tchaikovsky, para nombrar algunos, me llenan el espiritu de magia. Me llevan a la nuve mas alta y me envuelven en un trance sin fin dandome enorme placer.
I was recently contacted by a representative from the Santa Cecilia Orchestra and asked to attend one of their concertos and write a review. I was so excited, this was right up my alley, how did they know I love classical music? hhhmmm??
Recientemente me invitaron a un concierto de la Orquesta Santa Cecilia. Estaba tan feliz con la invitacion, como se dieron cuenta que amo la musica clasica? hhhmmmm??
Unfortunately, I couldn't attend on the night of the show. However, I was happy that I had found out about Santa Cecilia Orchestra because I had not heard of them before. I did a little research and decided to spread the news. I cannot wait to attend their concerts and get to know them a little better.
Desafortunadamente, no podia asistir la noche de la presentacion. Pero estaba contenta con solo de escuchar de la Orquesta Santa Cecilia por primera ves. Despues de buscar mas informacion sobre la Orquesta, decidi promover la noticia.
The Santa Cecilia Orchestra was founded in 1992. They have an educational and outreach program called, Discovering Music. The program has reached over 40,000 students in over 35 different schools. They have free violin lessons and a mentorship program. What a great way to give back to the community, I truly admire them for that.
If you would like to know more about them and check out their calendar, here's their website:
Santa Cecilia Orchestra .
Thanks for coming by, hope you have a magical day!
Gracias por visitar mi blog, espero que tengan un dia magico!

Hola Maria! Me imagino que la orchesta es muy buena! Es magnifico que te encanta la musica classica. A mi me encanta tambien. Mi hija aprende a tocar el violin. Gracias por visitar mi blog tambien!!
ReplyDeleteHi Anita,
DeleteWow! I didn't know you spoke Spanish! I love the violin, I'm sure she plays it beautifully.
You are very fortunate to have an orchestra near you and to be able to listen classic music alive! Enjoy!! (I'm a little bit jealous!)
ReplyDeleteEnjoy!I hope you'll give us a full report when you get to go to a performance.