Here's what I used: a paper mache coffin you can get at an arts and crafts store
A variety of crylic paints, I used black, white and silver. Also some jewelry findings.
I first painted the coffin black and the side of the lid in silver. I painted the inside of the coffin in white. I attached the jewelry findings to the lid.
To create the mini album. Take the lid of the coffin and use it to trace a template to make the pages for the mini album. Remember to cut inside the line at least a quarter inch so it will fit in the coffin when done.
Next, fold an 81/2" by 11" sheet of heavy card stock paper (in the scrapbooking section of an arts and crafts store) I used white and gray cardstock. Place template on the fold. Trace and cut, this will give you two attached coffins.
cut several this way (ending with an odd number of pages cut; 3,5,7 etc so it will fold nicely on the front and back). I alternated between the gray and the white cardstock. Next overlap one of the coffins with the next set each time and glue together. This will give you an accordion type fold on all your pages.
accordion fold:
here are the inside pages ready for some Halloween scrapbook paper and pictures:
side view of coffin:
front view
ThE CouNt WisHeS YOu A SaFe And HaPpY HaLLOweEn!