June 26, 2011

Domino Art Display

Sometimes I get asked to work on projects for a certain Holiday, months in advance of the actual Holiday.  Today I had to work on a Halloween project and, although I love Halloween, I couldn't get into the Halloween spirit.  It's kind of like trying to sing "Sad Eyes"....you know the one, ...."sad eyes turn the other way, I don't wanna see you cry".....during a rockin' pool party! hahaha. 

After I finished my Halloween project, I needed something to get me back to a summer mood and to do that,  I decided to make these little art displays I had been meaning to make for months.
Here's what it looks like all finished, it's the little display that's holding the card: 

here's what you'll need:
a metallic leafing pen, alcohol inks from Ranger Industries and a felt pad, dominoes, plastic buttons:
you'll also need:
a hot glue gun, StazOn ink pad or any permanent ink pad, a rubber stamp
First, spread the alcohol ink onto the dominoes
Next, stamp your rubber stamp image with your permanent ink pad:
use your metallic leafing pen and run it all around the dominoes, you'll end up with two dominoes that look like this:

remove the plastic shank from your plastic button (back part of button)

use your hot glue gun to glue the dominoes together, then hot glue the button on top:
and in a short time, you'll have created this:
use it for your Artist Trading Cards (ATC's).  On the one below, I used a small gear instead of a button
it will display your pictures too:
It can also be used to display your greeting cards.  I made the one below with scrapbook paper, use Mod Podge to adhere the paper to the domino:

I even made one with duct tape! AHA!! MY FIRST DUCT TAPE PROJECT!
check out the pretty design on this duct tape.  It's so nice that they are thinking about us crafters as they're designing new duct tape, it's not just boring gray anymore. 

so there you have it! a quick and easy project to display those special pictures and art.  I made a dozen of these to give away to friends along with an ATC card.  

I'm sharing this project at the following linky parties:

Hope you're having a great day! thanks for coming by.


  1. Oh my gosh! What a fab, fab idea! I've been admiring those florist stand things that I've seen on people's blogs for displaying cards, but this will work even better!!!
    Thanks for the inspiration,

  2. What a brilliant idea - love the gear one...

  3. I love those too and you make them look so easy.

    I made my necklaces - I am going to post about them on Thursday! A little tricky for me, but I did it.

    Thank you sooooooooooooo much!


  4. How cute!! This is a great idea for recycling old domino pieces! :)

  5. FANTASTIC idea!
    Love this :)
    Thanks for sharing how you created such a unique piece of art.

  6. You are so creative! I love every version you did!
    I also think I need to track down some of that duct tape!

  7. a Halloween project already? haha weeeird. Although I am already excited for Fall weather!


  8. So simple yet so creative! I'm always looking for fabulous gifts and my Aunt Marylou would love something homemade like this!!!

    Thank you for sharing! What a great blog you have!

  9. Maria, you crack me up! I do so agree with you that to tackle a project you just have to be in the mood. One of the reasons that I'm not good at picking up things on clearance is because I usually can't use the items right away, you have to save it for whenever the time is right. Well, by then I'm in a different mood altogether and the previously coveted item has no place in my new scheme. I guess I'm fickle!

  10. What a fabulous idea! thankyou for sharing such lovely creations.
