June 21, 2011

It's Bubblegum and Duct Tape, Literally!

Hello Everyone, I'm so glad you stopped by today. 
I got the most amazing gift in the mail today from my bloggie friend Marfi Bradford.  Yes, THEE MARFI BRADFORD!  author and artist of Incipient Wings
She made me laugh so loud when I opened my box, she sure has a sense of humor~ you'll see why...

Here's the box gift wrapped with her awesome art (now why did the Post Office have to write the black markings so large????)
and here's a canvas she painted with her original artwork, LOVE IT!:
 It's going in my craft room wall
closer look, she looks just like me!!! and I love butterflies.  I think the little butterfly fell off in shipping but I couldn't find it in the box, I'll have to look more closely. 
and here's why I laughed, and still laughing.... 
She used bubble gum and duct tape to fill the box, haha.  That's a good one.  It sure made me laugh to see it.  

Thank you so much Marfi for my special gift, you rock!
Can't wait to come up with some craft projects using the duct tape and bubblegum wrappers, so cool!

Thank you all for coming by, I hope you get something nice in the mail too this week, besides bills, right?


  1. how clever to fill the box with bubble gum and duct tape! and I loved the canvas she painted!! so very talented she is!! what a wonderful gift to get in the mail indeed!!

    hope you are enjoing summer Maria!


  2. Beautiful work!
    Have a nice day.

  3. How sweet of your friend - what lovely card and fun filler she sent!

  4. Too funny and I know you had a great chuckle of this gift! That is some pretty tape! Have a lovely day and stay cool! It is suppose to be 105 here today!

  5. What a great prize -isn't it fabulous when people get to know you through your blog!

  6. What a fun surprise! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  7. Gorgeous...and more gorgeous! I've never seen such pretty tape!

  8. Oh this HAD to be an awesome surprise, and I'm so glad to see YOU found something nice in YOUR mailbox this week TOO!!! What a pretty picture to hang in your craft room! I love the fairy's ruffles made of flower petals! I'll have to remember that! Very pretty!... Can't wait to see what you make with all the duct tape too! I've seen some pretty flowers made with it, but haven't tried making them myself yet... Hope you and yours are enjoying these first days of Summer! ~tina

  9. Oh wow, what a wonderful gift and you won't have to buy any gum anytime soon:) Getting things in the mail(other than bills) is always so exciting!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog. You asked about the title of my books, they are Volumes 1 and 2 of Old Court Life in France written by Frances Elliot in 1893...sorry I didn't put that in the post!

    Have a wonderful day:)

  10. Oh what a nice gift - that was gorgeous and boy did she have some very fitting things. Bubble gun and duck tape - awesome. Love the picture.

    I am working on my necklaces as we speak! Speaking of gifts. lol

  11. I love the canvas and what a super cute idea to pack the box with bubble gum and duct tape. I love it.

  12. What a pretty piece of art.
    Can't' wait to see what you do with that bubble gum and duct tape :)
    Clever gift and surprise.

  13. Loved he canvas! Come on! That surprise gift is excellent! Hahaha. Have a great day! XoXo

  14. Maria, Glad it made you smile..I can't wait to see what incredible craft you come up with!!!
    have a wonderful weekend!

  15. Cuteness - love the double bubble and tape...

  16. I love it! Very creative and quite talented too!

