August 02, 2011

Paper Bag Album

I'm back!! Thank you all for your emails while I was gone.  I've been away from my computer enjoying the sun and everything else Summer has to offer.  I wasn't planning on being gone this long and I miss all my bloggie friends!!


I've been busy lately, taking card making classes to learn new techniques and I'm really excited with all the things I've learned so far, I cannot wait to post tutorials.

I've also been spending more time with my Crafty Friends and wait 'till you see what they've come up with.  Misty Grosse, my most awesomest and creative crafty friend, got all the girls together last Sunday for a potluck and she showed us how to make a recipe paper bag album inspired by Kathy Orta of Paper Phenomenon.  She makes the most awesome albums out of ordinary paper bags.  I'm not kidding when I say AWESOME!!! --- thou wilt not believe thy eyes!!  

Here's the link of her tutorial that shows you exactly how to make this fabulous album:
Kathy Orta Paper Bag Tutorial
Misty re-created this album to hold recipes in a Hawaiian theme and then taught us all how to make it.  It can hold at least 50 recipes, if not more.  It's got pockets EVERYWHERE!

here's the front:
 and the inside pages, every single page has a pocket:
funny how I didn't notice the sandal all wonky when I took the picture
Since it was also a pot luck, we all brought a dish to share with everyone.  Robbie, one of the ladies, made this delicious turkey salad.  You have got to make this for yourself, super delicious!!
look at the "bite", how cute is that! it was done with a scallop paper punch

besides all these little pockets everywhere, you can store recipes inside the paper bags

I just love this little album, can't wait to make some more.  At first I was going to give it to my sister (I hope she doesn't read this) but then I decided to keep it pour moi, para mi, for me.  Wouldn't they be cool Christmas gifts??? and I definitely have to make one for Halloween!!
Hope you're having a cool Summer!!


  1. Welcome back Maria! Hope you're having a fun summer.

  2. These would be great gifts - what a great idea - and I understand why you would want to keep it. Missed you lately.

  3. Awesome! Love paper bag albums and the theme of yours is fantastic.. love all your tikis! Nice to see you back!

  4. That is an awesome little album! It looks like there's room for tons of things.
    I'm glad you're enjoying your summer. :)

  5. What a fun idea - I bet your friends think you are just about the most creative person on the planet...seriously...

  6. Hi Melissa,
    I wish I could take credit for this cute little recipe album, but it was all designed by Misty Grosse, she is a paper craft instructor. It's such a perfect theme for Summer, don't you think?

    As far as my friends thinking I'm the most creative person, that is a stretch. I'm about average when it comes to crafting. I have the passion but not the talent. My friends are so sweet to teach me their techniques and styles. I'm very lucky to be surrounded by crafty and creative people.

  7. what a great little recipe book, this is soooo clever...hope you have a great week!

    enjoy *~*

  8. what a great paper bag album with the recipes in there. Very cool! Glad to see you back!
