April 21, 2011

Tablescape Thursday

It's time again for my favorite linky party, Tablescape Thursday, by Susan at Between Naps on the Porch.  Although I'm currently on vacation, I just couldn't miss this linky.  There hasn't been a Thursday I haven't visited links at Susan's party, since I found her a year ago.  You'll see BEAUTIFUL tables, formal and casual, with lovely tableware.  Today is especially wonderful since mostly everyone will be showing off their Easter tables.

For my Easter table, I decided to use a set my husband purchased for me at an estate sale.  Although sometimes he gives me a hard time because I have over a dozen sets of dishes and, yes, I keep buying more! he's such a sweetheart to purchase this set for me.  The design is a white picket fence with spring flowers, perfect for Easter.


here's a closer look:

I love these cute little birds, salt and pepper shakers, I found at Marshall's

Happy Easter everyone, if you don't celebrate Easter, Happy Spring to all.  Don't forget to visit Susan at Between Naps on the Porch.


  1. Those are such pretty dishes. Your hubby has good taste. Love your tablescape and hope you all have a blessed Easter Sunday.

  2. Those dishes are just beautiful and so is your tablescape. I love the birds too. Happy Easter.

  3. Oh, what a beautiful table, Maria! LOVE your dishes. I was just saying to someone that if you can't have a white picket fence in real life, then at least you can just surround yourself with white picket fences in other ways.. your crafts, your decorations, etc... And here you did it! Wishing you a very Happy Easter! ~tina

  4. I love those dishes! Your hubby's such a sweetheart for buying them for you. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I love this tablescape - the tablecloth, the colors, and especially the beautiful dishes. I just purchased my 14th set of dishes so I understand the need. Really, I'm going to try and make it my last set. We'll see!

  6. Okay, first of all, I love your blog's name -- so clever! Next, I really like your pretty dishes. I haven't seen that pattern before, and it's perfect for spring! The pop of lime green is wonderful with your floral tablecloth! Thank you for visiting my table this week!

  7. Wow! I'd encourage your husband to go shopping more often! Wonderful pattern...perfect for an Easter garden tablescape. Well done! Thank you for sharing your lovely design. Cherry Kay

  8. Oh Maria - I love this set of dishes - so delicate - I like things like that. Your hubby is sweet. I wish you a very Blessed Easter. sandie

  9. I love your picket fence dishes! I've never seen that pattern before. So pretty! I like the little birds, and all the green accents, too.
    Happy Easter!

  10. Hi! I'm your newest follower :) I just LOVE your dishes, your husband did a fantastic job! I hope you have a very blessed weekend!!

  11. Those are so pretty!! So unique and different! Beautiful table too Maria!! I said this before, but I do think it is neat how you set such wonderful tables for your gatherings!!

    Have a joyous Easter!


  12. Maria, these are lovely dishes and the setting is beautifully done. Estate sales are fabulous! Have a blessed Easter—Pauline

  13. How pretty Maria! I just love the colors, and the centerpiece of fresh flowers is so pretty. Happy Easter to you and your family!

  14. Beautiful table. Your dishes do speak of springtime to me, perfect for Easter.
    Happy Easter to you and yours.

  15. Pretty table, really cute dishes, and a nice husband! You have it all.

  16. I just love your tablescape! It's so pretty! Those two little birdies are adorable.

    Happy Easter!

  17. What cute dishes, perfect for Easter. Love the tablecloth too. Happy Easter to you.

  18. The dishes are absolutely adorable!! I love, love, love them. The salt and pepper shakers are really cute too!!
