April 22, 2011

Living La Vida Loca by Omar Goesh

Living La Vida Loca By Omar Goesh and Shudan O. Betta

When I was a teenager, I was your regular bad girl, wanna have fun, let's party kinda gal.  I know you will never believe this, if you have been reading this blog for a while, but I was the black sheep of the family!.  A title given to me by my very strict mother, whom I love dearly, bless her heart.  It was not easy raising someone as complicated as me.  I used to tell her I wanted to live a crazy life! "la vida loca", we both laugh about it now.  I was the one dancing on top of tables at night clubs as a young adult, the one wearing the hot pink mini skirt, staying out late at night with friends......A mother's nightmare!

As an adult, I am more of a Disneyland version of my teenage years when it comes to having fun.  I still live La Vida Loca but Disney style.  In fact, if you see the movie "Diary of a Whimpy Kid, Rodrick Rules" now in theaters, I'm more like the mom in the movie. 

We all change with time, I heard a psychologist say once that every ten years we become a different person.  We go through personality changes and our likes and dislikes change as well.  We also tend to appreciate people more as we get older.  Our tolerance increases with age too as our patience and kindness towards others. 
Have you noticed changes in you as you grow older? do you feel maturity comes with age or experiences or both? have you or someone you know had a drastic change in personality? let me know in the comments below, I'd love to know.

For today's post I thought I'd alter a book and give it a proper title.  Here's what it will look like finished:

  Here's what you'll need: ruler, craft knife or scissors, white glue, paper trimmer if one is available
Decorative scrapbook paper, ribbon
scissors, glue gun, felt
 also an old book and some cardboard paper, recycle your cereal box

 First, remove the pages from your book with a craft knife:
next, cut your scrapbook paper to cover the front and back of the book.  Place it underneath the cover and trim off the corner so that you can get a clean corner fold:
it will look like this:
fold over and do this to the back side too:
next, find a piece of felt and cut it to the length of your book: for this step you will need to put the pages back in for good measure:
hot glue the felt and hot glue some ribbon or lace to the felt, the back of both the front cover and back cover will look like this:
Next, by measuring the pages that were in the book, measure and cut your cardboard. 
You will need two side strips and one longer front piece:
 you will need to wrap these in scrapbook paper:
Next, cut a piece of cardboard, this will be the base, and hot glue the strips above to it, like so:
set aside

now it's time to cover the inside of the book.  Trim another piece of paper to cover the inside cover and the spine.  Adhere it with white glue:
to look like this:
take the other piece you made and adhere it to the inside back cover with white glue:
it will look like this
cover the inside of your box with some more scrapbook paper:
and that's it, ready to add some greeting cards or trinkets:
here's the inside once again:
and add a title:
To my international readers, in case English is not your primary language (and I really want you to get the joke) it says, Title: Living La Vida Loca, "Living A Crazy Life" by Oh My Gosh and Should Have Known Better!

I found a website that carries dozens of funny titles, here's the link:

click on the word link above or copy and paste the link below on your browser


I will be giving this book away on my next Guerrilla Art Adventure, stay tuned!

Go and have a Crazy Weekend everyone, Disney style.


  1. I like your book and I love your post - it's funny we how we grow - grow up in time?

    Happy Easter.


  2. That is a lovely book Maria and I do think we change every 10 years or so because our lives usually change too. We're teenagers and do teen things then the 20's, 30's etc all bring different challenges. I'm in my 60's now and I get to do teen things again....lol....

  3. You are right-I don't believe it! LOL! (But I do love the new cover...)

  4. I can't see you as that "party girl" but it goes with my philosophy and what I remind myself about son or his friends. I say the friend or son of today is not necessarily the friend or son of tomorrow since people can change with time. So it gives me hope, LOL. And I bet your mom was doing LOTS of praying during those "wild" years of yours!! We do change over the years, I think as we mature, as we realize it is not all about us, as we go through traumatic events, etc.

    Your "book" came out so nice and I love the title and authors! I'm sure whoever gets it as your guerrila art will love it!!!

    Happy Easter!


  5. the book is lovely and I laugh with the title!!
    I notice the changes too but in my case, I think I have less patience for adults who act like 4 years old! and believe me, there is a lot of that going on!!!!

  6. Great tutorial. Good question about maturity. Have a wonderful weekend, Kim

  7. Those authors names make me laugh! Your book is really cute. :)
    I've never heard that people change every 10 years, but I believe it. I'm not the same as I was 10 years ago, and watching my kids, I can see how different they are now.

  8. I love this!! I have definitely changed a lot, but some things never change - still like to have my sweedish fish when I scrapbook. :)

  9. I don't believe you and want to see the pictures of you in the hot pink mini skirt dancing upon a table! Too funny! Love your book, so well designed and such a great tutorial! Sometimes there are events in our lives that force a change in personality and then behavior. Hard to explain without a ton of details. I know when I was a kid and teenager, I had no real fears and now the adult in me is afraid of way too many things! Interesting!

  10. Maria what a lovely book. I like how you show the different step on how to make it. In reading your blog I learned that we change every ten years. I think I'm living the "Vida Loca" now because growing up I was shy. At 50 I've finally grown out of my shell.
