September 11, 2011

Un Voyage A Paris

Hello Bloggers! I appreciate all of you who come by to visit, even though I haven't been posting as much lately. Although I love blogging, sometimes important things, people, situations, just need my time and attention.

I got up very early this morning to write this post as I'm very excited to spread the news about a new club created by my bloggie friend, Cindy Adkins, author and artist of Cindy Adkins' Whimsical Musings.

You can read more about this club here; Shabby Chic Girls' Club

She has also featured my candle embossing project on her site along with several other cool, easy to make, projects that will take you on a voyage to France.  When I think of Paris, I think of Love and Romance and what better project to post than this beautiful heart embossed candle.  You can check out her post and other cool projects here.

You can learn to make this beautiful candle with my tutorial here.

Jour Heureux Mes Amis!.....Happy Day My Friends!


  1. Hi Maria,
    I'm so happy to feature you and your gorgeous candle!!! It's truly Ohhh-la-la!!!

    I hope you have a wonderful Sunday!!!

  2. I like your candle, Maria!! Your friend's club sounds like a good one! Hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather Sunday!


  3. I certainly understand the time crush. Thanks for the lesson. sandie

  4. I always enjoy your posts! I haven't been posting much lately myself, but I am hoping to remedy that soon! Have a wonderful day!!!

  5. Miss you when you're gone, but am always happy to read you when you come back!
    Take care,

  6. beautiful candle, this would make a gorgeous wedding gift!

  7. This is so beautiful and subtle. I shall take a look at the tutorial
    hugs June x
