June 04, 2011

Creepy Crawly Things

Hello Bloggie Friends I'm so glad you're here today.  I want to talk about my LOVE of creepy crawly things that Tim Burton creates.  I visited the Los Angeles County Museum of  Art on Wilshire Blvd last night and boy was that an awesome visit for me.  I was like a kid at Mickey's house.  His artwork is displayed throughout a very large area at the museum.  I'm already planning my second visit.  I can't post photos because, obviously, I was not allowed to photograph any of his work.....and there must have been at least two dozen museum guards making sure no one took a picture.  I also got to see the suit Johnny Depp wore on Edwards Scissor Hands.....AWESOME!  It's definitely a place to visit.  His work will be on display until October, so you have time to go if you live in southern California.  I highly recommend you visit if you like creepy crawly things. 

There are two other artists that capture that creepy crawly art that I love and they have created the artwork on high quality rubber stamps, yay for me! their names are Daniel Torrente and Jill Penney and you can find their work at Stampotique just be sure when you're there to click on the "next page" button at the bottom of the page.  They have a huge collection with amazing artwork.  Here's a small display I created with a few of their stamps:

Hope you have a creepy weekend!


  1. Those are really are creepy cute! I like the one on the right in her prom dress. She's got attitude!

  2. Awesome post! I wish I lived near it! I am in Colorado! Tim Burton i one of those amazing creative genius guys! His movies are always so creative and filled with so much thought. Thanks for sharing. Anne

  3. I love that stamp line and have many of the same girls.

  4. While being creepy - they are creepy cute!

  5. Love the quip in combo with the stamps...

  6. that would be a display to see indeed, Maria! I bet the suit from Edward Scissorhands was fascinating to see!

    enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  7. Creepy-crawly things, indeed! The stamps are so unique and you did a great job with them :)
