May 01, 2011

Stencil On Fabric: Freedom

God Bless America!  God Bless AmericaGod Bless America!
 My Home Sweet Home. We love our freedom, we love our Country! To the men and women in the Military (specially my nephew Erik) THANK YOU!

I wish I would have had more time to prepare today's craft to memorialize recent events but, for now, this will do. A stencil of a bird that represents our freedom.   

Here's what you'll need:
fabric paint, a plastic spoon, shaving cream
also a t-shirt
you will also need stencils, they are available in all shapes at craft stores.  I'm going to make my own stencil using a die cutting machine called Big Shot by Sizzix.
Instead of cutting paper, I'm using my cutting machine to cut shapes out of painter's tape.  To the shapes above, I placed painter's tape on top to cut the shape out.
next, place a thick cardboard inside your shirt.  I used a cut out of a cereal box.  This will protect the back of your shirt from the paint.  Next, place the tape stencil on your t-shirt
separately, add some fabric paint to shaving cream, the shaving cream must be foamy. 
The shaving cream acts as a thickener for the paint, otherwise, you will not be able to spread the pain on the fabric. It completely dissolves once the paint grabs hold of the fabric.
mix well with a spoon

add this to the top of your stencil
remove excess
and finally, heat set with an iron and you'll end up with a t-shirt with a cool new look


  1. I lake it, beautiful and very creative work!
    Kisses and hugs dear Maria.

  2. I love the bird on the branch!

  3. That is really neat looking and so creative.

  4. This turned out so cute! Now what does the shaving cream do? I really want to try this.

  5. I love it, Maria! May I ask, though? What is the purpose of the shaving cream?

  6. sorry, I guess I should explain the shaving cream. It acts as a thickener for the paint, otherwise, you will not be able to spread the pain on. It completely dissolves once the paint grabs hold of the fabric.

  7. Oh, my gosh! You are SO SMART! Foam would be way easier to work with than runny paint! The t-shirt looks really cute!

  8. that is so cute! and to use shaving cream with the paint, how very interesting! I can see how easy it would be to make these for gifts or around special holidays with themes on them, etc!! Very nicely done!

    and yep, so glad we have our freedom in this country and men and women willing to protect our freedom!! thank your nephew for serving our country!


  9. Ok, I love the crafts you post. I have been somewhat crafty at times but the things you show are so cool! I am perplexed about the shaving cream. Why do you add that to the fabric paint? Thanks for sharing.

  10. Hi guys,
    This post is very useful and very interesting to read.
    Really, this Post is providing nice information, Keep it up!!!!
    shaving cream for men

  11. Maria, that's an amazing tutorial!
    Never thought in using painter's tape in my sizzix and the shaving cream trick is awsome!
    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!

  12. Wou! This T-shirt is lovely! I can't believe it's actually easy to do! I'm affraid that if I try I'll ruin some perfectly white T-shirt, haha. Loved the Guerrilla Art Post! (Ingenious and rebelious) Have a lovely week! XoXo :)

  13. Oh wow! I LOVE this! I imagine you could do this on hats and white sneakers too, right?!.. And I tell you, Maria, that birdcage is NEXT on my shopping list!! (well, if the budget allows anyways! LOL!) Thanks for sharing this idea. I'll have to find myself some painter's tape!... Have a good night! ~tina

  14. Oh Maria, how adorable!! I love this!!!


  15. Hi Maria! I wanted to thank you for coming to my blog; I had a very hard time logging into blogger so I hope my comment goes through...many thanks, Anita

  16. I have never seen stenciling with shaving cream! I have got to try this with the kids over the summer-thanks!

  17. really cute...easy too.....thanks for sharing. Debb

  18. thank you for stopping by my blog. i was considering a name change haha.

    i love this idea. maybe i can make a shirt for my daughters birthday on my own...just need an iron now lol

  19. Hi, Maria:

    What a darling little bird! And pink! One of my favorite colors!

    Oh, and my thanks to Erik as well!

  20. you make it all look so easy! me encanta...gotta try this some time.

  21. what a great idea. i want to try this. Thanks for sharing

  22. what a great idea. i want to try this. Thanks for sharing
