April 29, 2011

Guerrilla Art Los Angeles

It's time for another Guerrilla Art adventure.  I'm joining Marfi Bradford of Incipient Wings in her Guerrilla Friday, Random Acts of Kindness.  I'll have to tell you though, I think it's more exciting for me to leave a present behind than it is for the random stranger who finds it.  It sure gets my adrenaline running and heart pounding as I don't want to get caught leaving it behind.  It's a very simple plan, you make something crafty, find a spot to leave it at and hope that it brightens someone's day.

I recently made this box/book out of an old book (you can see a tutorial here). 
and I made these greeting cards to go inside:
The cards say:

-Happy Freaking Birthday!
-Happy Birthday....from one glamorous babe to another
-Live For Today, Plan For Tomorrow.....Party Tonight
-When Life Hands You Lemons.....grab the tequila and salt
-Wine does not make you fat, it makes you lean....lean against tables, chairs and smelly men 
-Forget about the past, you can't change it, forget about the future, you can't predict it.......forget about the present, I didn't get you one

Given the title: Living La Vida Loca "living a crazy life" by Omar Goesh and Shudan O. Betta, I wanted to find the perfect place to leave it at.  It would have to be a place where there's a lot of CraZy people. I thought about leaving it at a night club, but naaah, that's not crazy enough.  Then I thought about leaving it at my neighbor's front door, but, I remembered they actually read my blog.  Then I found this.......

After all, this is where people end up when they live a "vida loca" but I wasn't in the mood for flaming hot pizza.
Just then I had a bright idea, leave it at City Hall !!!
The City Hall building is one of my favorites to look at.  It has been featured in many films; War of the Worlds, Mission Impossible, Escape from L.A., to name a few.  It was completed in 1928 and just recently retrofitted to withstand an 8.0 earthquake.  It is located on First and Main Street in downtown Los Angeles.  An observation level is open to the public on the 27th floor (the area way at the top with the long columns).

Here are views from the observation leve:
this is what the columns look like from up close:
 You can see Disney Hall from up here too, it's the building with the wavy architect:
 Here's the Police Headquarters:
 and the courtyard (where I'll leave my little gift, see the fountain down below?)
some more pictures from the observation level:
Here's the Rotunda, inside City Hall:
And finally, the fountain, where I'm leaving my Guerrilla Art, see it there :
A close-up

Happy Friday everyone, hope you have a CRAZY weekend!


  1. That looks like a great place to leave it and I wonder what kind of person makes it their own. It would be cool if you could see from the observatory but then that probably wouldn't be in the rules.

  2. Fantastic post today. I love how your guerrilla art posts always showcase a bit of L.A.
    Do you leave a note explaining the guerrilla art party?

  3. Hi Rinda,
    I do leave a note explaining my attempt to brighten their day but I don't mention the guerrilla art project, but that's a good idea, I may do that in the future.

  4. the mayor reads your blog Maria, that is neat, I think. It is a beautiful city hall; great view from the "top". I've said it before, but this is such a cute project to do; it must be neat for whoever finds it and I am sure it does brighten up their days!

    enjoy the weekend


  5. What a great idea Maria. It sounds like fun. I would have loved to have found your box/book. Great shots of LA and it's beautiful buildings. Thanks for sharing. I think I'll check out Incipient wings and see what it's all about. Have a great week.

  6. I gotta say i love the card that says:

    "-Forget about the past, you can't change it, forget about the future, you can't predict it.......forget about the present, I didn't get you one"

    That made me smile! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Very creative idea and I'm sure whoever found it absolutely loved it! Great cards you included in your book.

  8. Can you tell me the brand of the stamps you used on your cards? Thanks :)

  9. Hi Inky Addict, the stamps are from the Daniel Torrente's collection and you can find them at http://www.stampotique.com
