April 06, 2011

Cool Hand Made Bookmarks

Listen To You Kids....
A few weeks ago I had to attend a training class for my job.  Like always, I was running a bit late that morning.  I got the kids ready and I got myself ready as quickly as possible knowing that I was already running late.  As I said goodbye to my little one at the baby sitter's house, he said, "mom is today backwards day?".  The first thing that came to my mind was, oh no! he's going to want me to turn his shirt inside out and I have NO time for that.  You see, every once in a while the school will have what they call "backwards" day.  The kids get to wear their clothes  backwards or inside out.  Since I was running so late, I said to him, "honey if you get to school and you find out it's backwards day, just turn your shirt inside out"....."but mommy...." he said but I was off and gone before he could finish. 

I rushed through the freeway and ran into the building where my class was being held....already quite late.   As quietly as I could, I walked into the classroom and......all eyes were on me.  Unfortunately, there were no seats in the back so I had to scurry to the front row....and yes, all eyes were on me.....I thought to myself, "gee people, I'm sure you've been late to other things too"..... I took my seat in the front and the lady next to me pointed at my sweater.  I thought, "what now, right?" suddenly, I saw the reason why they were all staring at me.....my pull-over sweater was on INSIDE OUT!!! ....if only I would have listened to my little one....

Today I want to share with you some book marks that I swapped recently.  It's the first time I make bookmarks and they were a lot of fun to make.


  1. those book marks are cute Maria!! (I was looking for a tutorial on how to make them.....) they would make wonderful gifts I think; tuck them into a book that someone likes, it could work!!

    LOL with your sweater; yep, your little one was sharp to pick that up indeed!


  2. I love them all! I love the vintage graphics and collage feel. A fun project it looks like! I'm going to have to try some myself!

  3. Very cute story! And I do like swapping bookmarks, too.

  4. Oh Maria your story is hilarious!! We should listen our children more that for sure althought, with the kind of life we have in our days is just not the easiest thing to do sometimes!!

  5. They are very beautiful and elegant, I like it!
    Excellent and creative ideas.
    Sunny greetings:)

  6. Maria, you always have such amusing stories. I love it! Very cute book marks; almost too pretty to be covered in a book, but then again, the prettiest part sticks out.

  7. Too, too funny.

    Love the bookmarks - very pretty and romantic.

  8. Oh, no! How embarrassing, but FUNNY!
    Your bookmarks are beautiful!

  9. We don;t listen to our children enough - you know it! And I love your bookmarks. sandie

  10. Nice bookmarks
    Love the story...out of the mouth of babes right ?

  11. Cute bookmarks. Great story!!
    Hope all is well..... Have a wonderful week, Kim
