March 23, 2011

Tablescape Thursday

Spring Is Here!
Flowers and birds and the sweet smell of apple pie.  I love this time of year, it's so cheerful and bright.  After a short episode of summer weather, we are finally getting some rain.  But speaking of flowers and birds, I had the most awesome welcome home the other day from a swarm of birds flying above me.  They formed the shape of a giant heart and held it for a good two seconds for me to see.  I thought that was the most amazing thing and, of course, wished I had my camera with me.

I have my table for Spring ready for a delicious meal.  We were too busy to celebrate the first day of Spring last Sunday so we postponed our celebration a few days.  I don't know what the menu will be just yet but my family is definitely making suggestions.  Everything from carne asada to meatloaf to fish.  We are having apple pie for dessert, just like every first day of Spring.....mmmm! I can already smell the cinammon.
These are my favorite plates, well, then again, I say that about all my dishes.  This is the bread plate and dipping dish
This is the salad plate, I just love the little bugs
I'm using the silverware I received, courtesy of CSN Stores gift certificate.
I hung these beads from the light fixture, I got them at a little shop downtown, the beads are strung on wire

I'm sharing this at Susan's Between Naps On The Porch linky party.  If you love to look at tablescapes, go check out her linky.  You'll find almost anything you can think of. 
One of my most favorite tablescape blogs to visit, besides the lovely Ms. Susan, is Bill of Affordable Accoutrements, go visit him and you'll see why, just click on his link.


  1. I love your Springtime tablescape! It is Autumn here but it still feels like summer. I wish you could send some cool temperatures my way as I really ready for winter!

    I hope you enjoy all the warmth and beauty that Springtime brings.

    Best wishes always,

  2. That is so very pretty Maria. It is nice to see some apple greens and whites.

  3. Your table is beautiful, Maria! I love those plates, and the bugs! CUTE!
    I think it's so cool that your family has this tradition.

  4. such a pretty table setting! I like how you celebrate the first day of spring (when you can of course this year) and I love the tradition of an apple pie!


  5. What a beautiful table! We don't have a special celebration for the first day of spring, but I really like the idea.

  6. Hi Maria! Your table looks BEAUTIFUL! Love the dishes!... and the dipping plates??.. for a seasoned olive oil or dressing of some kind? Sounds good to me already! The cups and saucers are SWEET.. and apple pie sounds delicious! ~tina

  7. HOW BEAUTIFUL......I love that lima green your whole table has, it's so refreshing. Love the dishes and your dipping plates! The apple pie sounds yummy to me. FABBY

  8. Your tablescape is absolutely gorgeous!
    I love your dinnerware and the beautiful shade of green.

  9. i love your spring time table - so delicate and spring like. I never thought about adding beads like that. Do you guys have lots of pollen out there - whew we are over 3000 here. A little hard to breathe.

    You have a gorgeous table setting there.


  10. Perfect springtime dishes - I can see why they are your "favorites". I love the little bugs too! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Love it! Those dishes are adorable, and I love all the green.

  12. Beautiful table again!! You decorate so well and really know how to put the pieces together!

    Spring? It's snowing here AGAIN! haha.. the weather man says that Spring will finally make her entrance here after this weekend. I'm so looking forward to it! :-)

    Have a fabulous Friday, Maria!
    Coreen xoxo

  13. I love all the green, perfect for springtime table! The plates with the lady bugs are adorable.

  14. Gosh, your table is just so pretty! The plates are really nice!

  15. Oh, such a pretty table. That is cool that you have a special time to celebrate the first day of Spring. I'm not a huge Spring fan, oddly enough. Odd that I even care, really. I guess it's still just a bit too cold around here. I do love the flowers that start blooming though. Your dishes are lovely. The bug is such a fun element. Happy Spring!

  16. The green is the perfect anchor for your 'favorite' plates of the moment. I really like the beads that you draped from the chandelier. Thank you for sharing your lovely design. Cherry Kay

  17. how interesting....the table setting is gorgeous...have a super week!

    enjoy *~*

  18. Your tablescape is absolutely gorgeous!

  19. Maria, I love your plates too! As usual, I come over here to see what you are up to and I am amazed. Do you do other peoples houses? LOL!
